Sunday, November 14, 2021

PAM Warrior

The PAM Warrior is a water access point built by PAM Saint-Gobain. This one was installed circa 2018/19.

Cavanagh Python CATV cover

Built by the EJ group, this was installed circa 2018. A two-piece cast iron cover for cable/communications access.

Water access point

Used for covering water meters, this version was installed in 2018/19.

BT EN124-2D400 two-piece cover

Quattro 700

The Quattro 700 is made by EJ, previously known as Peter Savage Ltd. Note that it is rated according to British Standard 124-2, which means that it is a manhole top made of cast iron. The explanation of this standard can be found here.

PAM Inter-Ax2

The PAM Inter-Ax2 is made by PAM Saint-Gobain, and is a two piece cover. PAM (whose full name is Pont-à-Mousson) is a company which dates back to 1854, from France, which specialises in pipes for water and sewerage. The history of the company can be found here.


Manhole covers, utility access points, you drive or walk over them every day and don't think twice, if at all, about them. But look more closely - see how many different types there are. Many are dated, embossed with the names of manufacturers lost to the past. Utilitarian, but decorated in many cases, continuously developed over time. This blog will look at some of these which can be found on the streets.

Post Office Telephones access cover

Before British Telecom was spun out as a public company in the 1980s, it was part of the Post Office. The access cover is a Post Office T...