Monday, November 29, 2021

Broads Silent Knight 70B

Located at ST 63807 91143, this was built by the Broads Manufacturing Company, which was active under that name from 25 Aug 1947 - 31 Dec 1979. The company became part of Brickhouse Dudley, and after another two names was finally dissolved on the 21st March 2021. The Silent Knight brand is still used today by Saint Gobain. Broads were located originally in Paddington, London.

Savage KM571335

Located at ST 63876 91045.

Thomas Dudley Ltd Dauntless

Thomas Dudley Ltd 6270

Two variants of the same manhole by Thomas Dudley Ltd. Thomas Dudley are a foundry business which has been casting since 1920.

Glynwed Brickhouse 8050

Stanton & Staveley E 12

Manhole covers can be triangular too - this one is by Stanton and Staveley of Ilkeston, which was taken over by Saint-Gobain PAM. It is located at ST 63894 91122.

Post Office Telephones access cover

Before British Telecom was spun out as a public company in the 1980s, it was part of the Post Office. The access cover is a Post Office T...